Caribbean Poetry: Prophets Vexed (A Sonnet)
Abeng Caribbean Poetry: Prophets Vexed (A Sonnet)
copyright 2015 K. Omodele
“The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less.”
~ Eldridge Cleaver, Soul On Ice
The Prophets of Paths shudder at voices bawling
from blood-boiled rage unleashed ‘pon innocents’ shoulders.
In this Reign of Techs compassion’s tumbled and fallen
like boots kicked off feet of war-disgusted soldiers.
Prophets shake heads as zealots hurl stones at caskets
Misspoken parables prop up houses ‘pon sand
“Knowledge without wisdom is water carried in baskets.
Jah Word shall spread thru bloodshed, with sword in-hand.”
Prophets vexed cringe; proverbs bent into gun rhetoric
Trumpeted Truths, now off-key, rankled-ranted sound
slanted words echoed. Bodies bucked, bullets bellowed
Humanity butchered, understanding drowned.
Bare Innocents killed
Ey, Wicked, be still!